In my ongoing quest to answer the burning questions of our times, I have decided to continue my data-based boffinry by looking at a couple of questions I sometimes think of when zipping up and down the country on the train. I'm sure I can't be the only one, so here are some results that I've had saved up for a while. The first question is, 'which parts of Great Britain are furthest from a train station'? The second is 'how many train stations are there in each local authority or parliamentary constituency?'. Yes, I know I need to get out more but if you're reading this you probably do too - so take a look at the first two maps below.
Not exactly earth shattering, but some interesting snippets |
You can click on this to see a bit more detail |
Not entirely unexpected patterns here. In part, I also did this to use as teaching material in the future (it uses a basic GIS operation) and I used 30km just because it produces an interesting result. You can see the area around Bude in North Cornwall is England's largest area without a station. This issue has been raised in parliament many times, including
in 2014 by the previous MP for the area. The furthest areas from stations are all in the mostly sparsely populated north and west Highlands, but also in and about the Cairngorms and the Borders - though the latter has just got a lot smaller thanks to the re-opening of the
Borders Railway. West Wales and a bit of North Wales is also not on the map in this regard. There is also a tiny sliver of land in Yorkshire that sits just outside this 30km buffer distance. Some zoomed in maps follow...
This is just on the Scotland-England border |
Around Bude in North Cornwall (and a bit on Exmoor) |
A zoomed in map of train station deserts in the Highlands |
The Norfolk train-free zones |
The West Wales no-rail-zone |
Looking for trains in the Yorkshire Dales? Avoid this bit. |
Okay, so having answered one burning question, let's briefly turn to the other. How many areas in Great Britain (and I'm just referring to the island of Great Britain) do not have a station? For Local Authorities, I make it 12 out of 376 and for Westminster Constituencies, I make it 49 out of 630. I've screenshotted the two files here but you can also
explore them yourself in Google Drive.
Many stations in the largest areas, obviously |
Same as above - e.g. Highland coves a larger area than Wales |
What should we conclude from this? Not much, but It's quite interesting to look at the local authorities or constituencies that do not have a train station - of which there are 2,557 listed in the
Office of Rail and Road 2015-16 data that I used for this. The next two maps show where there are no stations - but there are possibly a couple of small inaccuracies (Kensington and Chelsea being one as three stations are right on the border there).
This is very interesting |
If you've read this far, you should get out more |
Okay, so that's about it. Some data notes below if anyone is interested. Also, the spreadsheets in the Google Drive folder have passenger entry and exit data - i.e. the headline 'passengers' figures that are used to identify the busiest stations - e.g. Waterloo with nearly 100 million in 2015-16. I have also added in average, max, min and sum figures on passengers for the aggregated local authority and parliamentary constituency numbers. Hours of fun.
Data notes: follow
this link to get the 2015-16 data on stations that I used here - including the eastings and northings for station locations. I got the boundaries from the excellent
ONS Geography Portal and they are, of course Crown Copyright (but also open data). As in, Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right (2017). The data are compiled by
Steer Davies Gleave on behalf of the Office of Rail and Road and they are accompanied by this interesting
two page summary. In addition to the two spreadsheets, I have also uploaded the images in this post to the
Google Drive folder. Train station vs railway station? I'm not bothered about this, or with data is/data are.