Monday, 14 August 2023

Global terrain maps

A short post today, with some visuals. I used some Blue Marble imagery from NASA - one layer was topography and the other was the colour image of the earth for August - and then I used the prelease v2 of Aerialod to visualise it. I tweaked the Blue Marble colours slightly and the elevation and bathymetry (in the final images) is greatly exaggerated, for effect.

I had a bit of fun with this. And this is the result.

NASA Blue Marble + topography

A few bumps in Europe and North Africa

Some nice colours and interesting bumps here

A view across most of North America

A slightly different angle on South America

I quite like this perspective, very interesting

Gosh, The Himalayas are quite big

So many mountains here!

Another pretty interesting view

Same as the first one, but with a few more light effects

That's all for now :)

With exaggerated bathymetry too

Classic mid-Atlantic wrinkles

Maps without New Zealand should not exist